
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anri -- Surf City

TUBE or Southern All Stars may be the reigning kings of Summer kayo kyoku, but then the queen would definitely be Anri(杏里). If we're talking about Venn diagrams (those circles we learned about in junior high school math class) here, Anri would be nearly engulfed by Summer music.

There are a lot of songs I could choose from such as "Summer Candles"and "Surf & Tears" but I decided to go with "Surf City", one of the tracks from her 5th album "Bi-Ki-Ni" released in June 1983. It has that appealing sunset drive sort of sound which distinguishes it from her usual very uptempo Summer tunes. The ballad was written and composed by Takeshi Kobayashi(小林武史), who would be taking care of 90s hit band My Little Lover many years later.


  1. Thank you - summer in Hawaii - Anri on lp at the time. This is the quintessential summer song. Thank you. Sounds great on the old fashioned huge living room speakers. This was a great summer - Anzen Chitai, Nakamori Akina, etc.

    1. Thanks for chiming in. I wasn't sure if anyone was listening to this song recently. I've got a few more summer tunes to squeeze in before the 21st arrives. TUBE and Omega Tribe, for example.


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