
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Mia Masuda -- Mou Ichido(もう一度)


Last weekend, we were watching a variety show via Jme and it was focusing on the Little Korea of Tokyo, the Shin-Okubo area north of Shinjuku on the Yamanote Line. I've been there a few times myself, of course, to have good ol' hearty yakiniku but I had no idea that it's become quite a popular area for sweets. There were the Korean confections but it seems as if some of the establishments in Shin-Okubo have become quite enamored with some really tall parfaits. This also reminded me of the above photo that I've supplied. A couple of my friends went to Japan many years ago and perhaps this had been shot in Nara where they got a full load of tall parfaits.

Anyways, I have to say that's quite a fetching photo of aidoru Mia Masuda(増田未亜)on her 4th and final album "Boys & Girls" from April 1991. I would think that she's going out on some date back in the 1950s in the guy's Ford Thunderbird. One of the tracks from "Boys & Girls" is "Mou Ichido" (Once More) which is a pleasant mid-tempo tune created by composer Kanji Ishikawa(石川Kanji)and lyricist Arisu Sato(佐藤ありす)

There's actually nothing 50s or doo-wop at all in the arrangement for "Mou Ichido". It's just a contemporary aidoru song by Masuda with the usual 1990s keyboard instrumentation, but hey, we can still imagine Masuda and her beau sharing a malted or a tall parfait at the local diner.

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