
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Reiko Ohshida -- Onna no Gakko(女の学校)


It was back in September 2013 when KKP friend and writer JTM provided one of his many great articles on the old Japanese television shows with the program of note being "Playgirl"(プレイガール). Lasting between 1969 and 1976, I gather that this could be compared to America's "Charlie's Angels", which premiered on ABC in 1976. "Playgirl" had a much larger main cast though, with full female teams changing throughout the run of the series. 

One of the cast members that JTM mentioned in one paragraph was singer and actress Reiko Ohshida(大信田礼子)who joined "Playgirl" as one of the second wave of female crimefighters skilled in all sorts of martial arts and other hobbies. According to the video introduction above, her character of Reiko Ohta(太田礼子)wasn't shy in describing herself either.

(from 2:56)

The Kyoto-born Ohshida also did her fair share of pink films (soft porn) for which her Wikipedia file states that she didn't have to take her clothes in any of them. She also had a brief recording career between 1970 and 1973 in which she released seven singles and four albums. Single No. 1 was "Onna no Gakko" (Girls' School) which came out in August 1970.

Written by Rei Nakanishi(なかにし礼)and composed by Kunihiko Suzuki(鈴木邦彦), the short-but-sweet tune has Ohshida singing in a breathy and kitten-ish way against an arrangement that's a mix of kayo soul and a snake charmer's song (reinforced by some of that bluesy sax). Nakanishi laid down a story of a supposedly irresistible woman telling off any and all suitors since she will only give her love to the one that she truly loves.

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