
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, May 24, 2024

veno -- Midnight Lu Rou Fan(ミッドナイト魯肉飯)

From YouTube


I'll have to talk about Lu Rou Fan with my anime buddy since he comes from the source nation of Taiwan. I've read that it is one of the best comfort dishes for the Taiwanese and it's possible that I may have had it when my buddy and I used to do the biweekly anime-and-food outings in the pre-pandemic era. However, I had a whole ton of dishes with him so I can't really remember every dish I've been introduced to.

Well, guess what? Singer-songwriter veno came up with her tribute to Lu Rou Fan a little earlier this year as a single. A Neo-City Pop/Soul debut about a scrumptious dish in the wee hours of the night? I am SO there! There's a whole lot of style going on as well in the music video for the humble Lu Rou Fan. I couldn't find too much information on veno herself aside from the fact that she hails from Miyazaki Prefecture but currently resides in Fukuoka.

For curiosity's sake, you can take a look at one of the many YouTube videos describing how to make the dish. Also, have a read of the Wikipedia article, although the rendering of the name is very different there.

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