
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Momoe Shimano -- Nemurenu Tsuki(眠れぬ月)


Here I was, getting ready to put up R&B chanteuse Momoe Shimano's(嶋野百恵)party-hearty "Hot Glamour" a few minutes ago, only to realize that I had already done so back in 2019. I notice that I began the article by ranting about some technical issues with Blogger; no such technical issues today with the platform but I did have to replace my computer mouse due to age this afternoon.

In any case, I wasn't going to let go of Shimano without a fight since I don't get all that much of an opportunity to post about her, and as it turns out, there is her "Nemurenu Tsuki" (Sleepless Moon) which is a track from her April 1999 debut album "5.3.1". Unlike "Hot Glamour", "Nemurenu Tsuki" is a relaxing slow jam written by Shimano and composed by Keiichiro Muto(武藤敬一朗). I always enjoy a nice battery of mellow horns including the fluegelhorn and this is a tune for the after-party as we all cool down before sunrise Saturday.

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