
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Yasuyuki Okamura -- Bible(聖書)


I've been so accustomed to seeing Yasuyuki Okamura(岡村靖幸) as he is now: Japan's funkiest corporate section chief, thanks to his performance of "Viva Namida", I've had to remind myself that he was once a young buck of the 1980s.

Case in point: his 7th single all the way back in September 1988, "Bible". Written and composed by the singer with help in arrangement by the late Nobuo Ariga(有賀啓雄), I can readily see and hear that Okamura was all about the funk right from the beginning. And man, would you get a load of the music video with the neon designs and Okamura making like a Michael Jackson wannabe?

She was only responsible for one line in the song, but I am wondering who the lady behind that delivery was. Alas, I have yet to find out. Plus, if there were one criticism about the video, it would be that Okamura's band was turned to stone a little too early. Even for a four-minute song, "Bible" did speed by like a bullet, and you bass addicts should be able to revel in it.

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