
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Just for Fun...The J-C AI Gallery -- Masaaki & Yoko, Junko O. and Yosui (Canada Day Edition)


Happy Canada Day! Yep, the Great White North is 157 years old today so it's a statutory holiday here. Hopefully, my fellow Canadians are enjoying BBQs or ribfests or other holiday-themed activities from Vancouver to St. John's. As such, I felt that today may be a good opportunity to provide a Canada-themed exhibition at the J-C AI Gallery with some of our kayo kyoku.

Masaaki Hirao and Yoko Hatanaka -- Canada Kara no Tegami (カナダからの手紙)

Junko Ohashi & Minowa Central Station -- Canadian Lullaby (カナディアン・ララバイ)

Yosui Inoue -- Canadian Accordion (カナディアン アコーデオン)

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