
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

aiko -- Soushi Souai(相思相愛)


Ironically, I didn't even know until some days ago that this particular song was a theme song for the latest "Meitantei Conan"(名探偵コナン...Case Closed) movie. I actually heard it on "Weathernews Live" as part of the regular "Weather Music" segment. But to sidetrack a bit, since we got moved from the old cable TV Japan to the online streaming Jme regime, we've been able to continue seeing some of our favourites such as "Uta Con"(うたコン)and a few other variety shows. However, although "Meitantei Conan" is available as a select anime on the Jme service, we haven't really been watching it as regularly as we once had on Thursday nights before the NHK morning news appeared...which probably means that my family was just happy going through it as an anime appetizer before reality set in.

Anyways, this most recent cinematic entry in the franchise, "Meitantei Konan: Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube"(名探偵コナン 100万ドルの五稜星...Detective Conan: The Million-dollar Pentagram) came out in April this year, and it looks to be more of a time-spanning historical mystery for our pint-sized hero and his friends. 

I'm not sure whether singer-songwriter aiko has ever contributed to any of the TV series or movies' long list of theme songs but her 45th single, which was released in May, is "Soushi Souai" (Mutual Love) and I'm assuming that it's the song that graces the ending credits for "Hyakuman Doru no Michishirube". Also written and composed by the singer, it's a pretty tenderhearted and laidback song about what could possibly be every potential "Meitantei Conan" romantic pairing's bugbear: they just can't get together and that includes the main duo of Shinichi and Ran. Oh sure those two police officers finally connected a few years back, but otherwise, it's been comedic plot twists and bad luck that have kept the various pairs from finally confessing to each other (although one pair below may finally break the curse). After all, can't make things too lovey-dovey. Anyways, "Soushi Souai" reached No. 5 on Oricon.

Maybe I ought to change the main pairing to Shinichi and Ai.😛


  1. Meitantei Conan movies usually have decent songs and this one by Akiko is much more than decent!

    1. Glad to hear that. For me, the TV themes have been more touch-and-go.


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