
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Mebae Miyahara -- Milky Cat


I've decided to come up with a particular Bing shot for this song: a cool (and well-fed) calico cat enjoying his iced coffee in a City Pop setting.

The name Mebae Miyahara(宮原芽映)rings a bell. Maybe I've mentioned her in a past KKP article but never bothered to place her in Labels since it was one-and-done for that citing. She is a singer-songwriter who has provided plenty of music to other artists but I couldn't find anything familiar in the list provided in her J-Wiki file. I will figure it out though eventually.

But in the meantime, she made her solo singing debut in 1981 after being involved in a high school band called Tiny Pumps in the late 1970s. Along with a debut single, she came out with her first album "Cat" in May 1981 and the first track is "Milky Cat". Written by Miyahara and composed by Eiji Nishiki(西木栄二), it's a City Pop song through and through with a happy-go-lucky beat, and there are aspects in the arrangement which reminded me of a couple of other songs although I can't think of their titles right now. From what I could understand from the lyrics, it sounds like a Tokyo lady encountered a magical cat in the wee hours following another fun night on the town. Not sure if it's Sailor Moon as an adult.

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