
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Mikiko Noda -- Kakete Miyou(駆けてみよう)


Kayo Grace Kyoku and Mr. Calico are enjoying their Orange Mimosas on the balcony in the big city, which probably means its Urban Contemporary Friday at KKP. Hopefully, now that we are officially in summer, people will also be having good times with friends on patios while nursing their own cocktails or beer.

It's amazing how I can run into some fine songs. The other day, commenter Souza noted how similar the musical concept and how identical the titles were for two certain albums by Arisa Mizuki(観月ありさ)and Mikiko Noda(野田幹子). The two of them both cut albums titled "Cute" in 1995 and 1992 respectively, and apparently the music has somewhat of an urban contemporary vibe. Our conversation took place at the article for Mizuki's "Pitter Patter" from her "Cute".

Curious about Noda's "Cute", I took a listen to that first track. And dang, "Kakete Miyou" is one jazzy night out on the town. I was struggling a bit with the definition, though. Literally, it means "Let's Run" but I think its nuance from Noda's own lyrics has more of a "Let's Run With It" vibe as in inviting a friend to paint the town red. And those same lyrics don't necessarily talk about an evening thing but just a day in May to ride the bicycles. 

JULIA is the composer for this lovely sophisticated pop confection with some wonderful horns and harmonica and Yuji Toriyama(鳥山雄司)behind the arrangement. The album was released in October 1992, and if a lot of the tracks are on par with "Kakete Miyou", "Cute" could be one of those beautiful 1990s City Pop moments.

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