
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Yukie Kawakami + Tsutomu -- Heart no Neji(ハートのねじ)


It was well over a decade ago when I first provided the article for aidoru Yukie Kawakami's(河上幸恵)1983 debut single "Blue Etranger"(ブルーエトランゼ), and it struck me as being quite a refined song for a teenybopper singer. I rather compared the song with the type of music that pop chanteuse Mariko Takahashi(高橋真梨子)sang during that same period.

The other day, commenter YMOfan04 asked me about another single that Kawakami recorded in December 1984, "Heart no Neji" (Key to Your Heart), so I decided to check that one out as something that could be posted here as the aidoru's second KKP entry. Now to be fair, it's not just Kawakami but her and a robot named Tsutomu(ツトム)behind this much more conventionally upbeat and perky aidoru tune. The singer's voice is still pretty spot-on and appropriately girlish. Yasushi Akimoto(秋元康)was behind the lyrics while Kosho Inomata(水谷公生)took care of the music and Shiro Sagisu(鷺巣詩郎)was responsible for the arrangement.

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