
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Takanori Hiura -- Kimi yo Kirei ni Nare(君よ綺麗になれ)


If the name Takanori Hiura(日浦孝則)sparks a memory engram, then perhaps you're a fan of the 90s duo class which had its big hit with "Natsu no Hi no 1993"(夏の日の1993). The singer-songwriter was a partner with the late Katsuyuki Tsukui(津久井克行).

According to his J-Wiki article, Hiura was born and raised on a tiny island (population of only 500 people at the time) off of Hiroshima Prefecture which now has a bridge connecting the two land masses. Getting into folk music as a child, he became a fan of Takuro Yoshida(吉田拓郎)and emulated his style after he'd gotten his own guitar.

Years before class, Hiura started his solo career in 1987 with the single "Slow Dance"(スロウダンス). Then in February 1988, he released his second single "Kimi yo Kirei ni Nare" (Hey, You! Be Beautiful). Written by Ren Takayanagi(高柳恋)and composed by Takumi Yamamoto(山本拓己), the title might come across as being a tad aggressive but the melody is a very soft and comfy creation. I'm sure that the protagonist and Hiura himself have the best of intentions.

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