
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Anri -- All of You


Due to various factors, I'm providing my usual second of two articles fairly late at around 11:00 pm tonight. So I figure that I would finish off this KKP Monday with something soothing for the bewitching hour.

The ballad "All of You" by Anri(杏里)was something that I first heard on her 1987 self-cover album "Meditation" which I've always considered to be the gateway with her City Pop past behind her and then her more West Coast dance-oriented R&B in her future. Originally though, "All of You" made its first appearance on her June 1986 9th original album "Mystique"

Written by Yumi Yoshimoto(吉本由美)and composed by Anri, it's a summer's-end beach sort of ballad about a woman who can no longer follow her boyfriend's dreams overseas and decides reluctantly to head back to Japan, but perhaps if he were to come back home, maybe there is a chance at reconciliation (that last part is just my hope). The song is lovingly arranged by Jun Irie(入江純)although its rush to become a power ballad near the end kinda dents things a bit, also because Anri's voice couldn't quite soar here for some reason like it did for other songs such as "Windy Summer".

A new version of "All of You" was released as Anri's 30th single in June 1994 with Derek Nakamoto as the arranger. This version has a slightly faster tempo and more of that straight R&B feeling. The single peaked at No. 27 and is also available on another self-cover album "16th Summer Breeze" which came out a month after the single. That power ballad part in the original has been switched out with something a little more softer and gospel-oriented which works out better for me.

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