
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Announcement: Labels got Limits?


Well, with all of us contributing to "Kayo Kyoku Plus" in one way or another for a long thirteen years and change, I have always wondered whether we would hit limits. I'm talking about running out of space for articles for example. Thankfully, that hasn't come to pass thus far. However, it may be a different story when it comes to the Labels section on the right side of the blog.

The screenshot above is too small to see without squinting really hard (and you don't want to do that to your eyes) but when I was scrolling down earlier today, I discovered that Labels now only goes as far as Michie Tomizawa before it abruptly stops showing. It means that folks and genres and numbers of articles beyond "Mi" cannot be seen, perhaps because I finally hit my limit there...and yep, your wrist might get a nice workout going down all that far.

I've sent an email over to the good folks at Blogger Administration and I hope that I can get an answer on whether anything can be done to fix this. In the meantime, all I can advise is that you can plummet down further into the bottom burgundy zone past "Plus Past" and insert your favourite singer or song title into "Search This Blog". I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that a resolution can be found. Maybe it's just my computer doing's not exactly a spring chicken anymore.

February 21st 2025: Well, it looks like at around 9:30 pm last night, Blogger Administration restored all of my Labels, so my thanks to them. And also to commenter Robert who was kind enough to monitor the situation as you can see through our conversation below. If indeed Blogger allows a maximum of 5,000 items for Labels, then I've got a little over 500 left.


  1. "only goes as far as Michie Tomizawa" ... I'm seeing the same here. I copied the labels into a text editor where a count seems to be telling me that you have 2414 labels, so it's not some specific round number you've hit.

    1. Thanks, Robert, for checking. I'm not sure whether Administration can believe that a blog can live everyday for thirteen years. Gonna have to wait and see.

    2. A quick Google search suggests that Blogger has an upper limit of 5000 labels per blog (I don't have an official source on that though).

    3. Hmmm...well, if I've got around 2400 labels at "M", then it's possible that I may be around 5000 for the whole of it. But then again, I still should be able to see most of the Labels.

    4. Seems to be fixed? I'm seeing all the way to ZYYG now. Counting them now gives 4470 labels.

    5. Looks like the Blogger Administrator is looking kindly at us. ZYYG is the final entry. No message from them, though.

  2. I hope Blogger you here, after all I think this is probably one the most active blogs as far daily creation and posting of articles goes. I don't think you have ever missed a day since you started this blog!

    1. Actually, I have missed several days in patches although they are few and far between. I was actually on vacation for a week or two during those times. The last time I was away from the computer was all the way back in 2017.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.