Hi there! I represent Bernard Sumner. He'd like his music style back please.
Yeah, that was the remark that I was simmering in my head when I listened to the first track of Salon Music's 1990 album "Psychic Ball". Good golly! I even wrote down New Order in the byline by accident before I realized my mistake.
I knew that Salon Music has had its New Wave stuff and last month, I even posted the duo's "Spike Me Into Space" from 1999 which had that raunchy rock style. Well, apparently, Salon Music also dallied in some British techno dance music stylings around a decade earlier. The first percussion-heavy minute of "Shadow Behind" has that feeling of early 80s Japanese techno pop that doesn't involve Yellow Magic Orchestra but then following that, the New Order influence in sound and vocals is unmistakable. I almost called my old university buddies to see if they wanted to hit the Copa again.
To be fair this track by Salon Music does sound a bit like something that New Order might have written so I can understand how one might mix them up.
ReplyDelete"I feel so extraordinary..."
ReplyDelete"Something's got a hold on me
ReplyDeleteI get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty
I don't care, 'cause I'm not there
And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow
Again and again, I've taken too much
Of the things that cost you too much"