Unfortunately, I haven't found any City Pop tunes today that are explicitly Valentine's Day-themed in particular that I haven't already covered. However, I think this song might fit the bill well enough.
It's been many months since I covered a song by the contemporary band Uwanosora(ウワノソラ)but I have found their "Umibe no Futari" (The Two of Us by the Sea) which is a track from their 2014 debut album "Uwanosora". Heck, if it's possible, why not spend February 14th on a beach near the equator or in the Southern Hemisphere?
As I mentioned in my very first article on Uwanosora, the band has plenty of influences: 1960s~1980s pop, AOR, City Pop, soul and Música popular brasileira. With "Umibe no Futari", I can pick up on light 1970s New Music, samba and AOR thanks to the songwriting by guitarist Hirohide Kadoya(角谷博栄). It's all very nostalgic and fresh at the same time.
Great song, it kinds of sounds like something Fujiko Mine might sing in some some club will trying to mesmerize people enough to steal all their money.