
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Yukari Ito -- Ai Suru Ashita(愛するあした)/Aki no Jasmine Tea(秋のジャスミン・ティー)


My friend and fellow contributor to KKP, Marcos V., and his own buddy were kind enough to allow me to use some of his photographs after visiting Rio in their native Brazil some days ago, so many thanks to them both. Regrettably, I've yet to travel anyplace south of the Equator but maybe someday, I'll be able to see places like Brazil or Australia or Singapore.

Although I haven't been to Brazil yet, I've been well acquainted with their samba and bossa nova for literally decades, and it seems as if folks in the Japanese music industry have also been very admiring of the genres for that long as well. In fact, I see that Yukari Ito(伊東ゆかり)provided some of her own songs infused with those particular two. I came across these jewels not too long ago and I couldn't decide which one to go with first, so I've opted to cover both of them together.

The first one is "Ai Suru Ashita" (Loving Tomorrow). A B-side to her 42nd single, the June 1969 "Aishite, Aishite"(愛して愛して...Love Me, Love Me), "Ai Suru Ashita" was apparently used as the theme song for a movie of the same name, and it certainly sounds quite majestically bossa nova. Written by Kazumi Yasui(安井かずみ)and composed by Osamu Shouji(東海林修), the orchestra gives the song a sweepingly romantic heft and there's no doubt what the movie is about from the title and the arrangement of this song. In its own way, I kinda feel like it's the Japanese take on "Love is a Many-Splendored Thing".

The second song was recorded by Ito many years later in September 1984 for her album "Fado"(ふぁど). "Aki no Jasmine Tea" (Autumn Jasmine Tea) is a more mid-tempo bossa song with a bit more of a City Pop feeling and fueled by the sweet and husky tones of the singer. Keisuke Yamakawa(山川啓介)was the lyricist while Etsuko Yamakawa(山川恵津子)took care of the brisk melody. Enjoy the drink.☕


  1. Love this! No pun intended! This one reminds me some of Yuji Ohno's tunes.

    1. Just by coincidence, I'll probably be doing an Ohno tune for the first time in years later this week.


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