
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Michiko Komori -- Sexy Blue


I've heard about famous thespians having to change their birth names into stage names because their original monikers just happened to be identical to those of established actors and actresses. For "Doctor Who" fans, the Tenth Doctor's David Tennant was actually born David McDonald but had to change it due to someone in the relevant acting guild already having that name of David McDonald. 

Then there is Michael "Batman" Keaton who was born Michael Douglas, but lo and behold, he had to change his name since there was already a superstar in the form of Michael "Ant-Man I" Douglas and an American TV talk show host by the name of Mike Douglas.

All this leads to a lady who had her time as an aidoru and an actress in the 1980s...and she was born Mitsuko Mori(森光子)in 1960. For those in the know when it comes to the geinokai going all the way back, there was a very well-known actress on TV and movies with that same name and kanji, so I'd assumed that it was pretty much fait accompli that she would have to change her name going into Japanese show business.

Well in 1977 as a high school student, still with her original name (which apparently didn't bother her or anyone else), Mori joined up with two other girls to form the aidoru group Candies Jr.(キャンディーズjr)whose own name was quickly switched to Triangle(トライアングル). After seven singles and two albums, they broke up in 1981. Following the breakup, Mori changed her printed name into hiragana(もりみつこ)and made her debut as an actress in a musical. Then in 1982, she decided on a wholesale change to Michiko Komori(小森みちこ)and went into the porn industry.

However, Komori also released at least one single and one album. The album "Remember"(リメンバー)in 1983 contained this song "Sexy Blue" written by Keisuke Teramoto(寺本圭介)and composed by rock singer-songwriter Haruo "Panta" Nakamura(中村治雄). Despite the sylvan album cover, "Sexy Blue" definitely has some City Pop ambitions in its arrangement including that sax solo and boppy bass. Aside from that single and album, that was it for her solo recording career. Komori continued to also act in regular TV dramas up to 1987.

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