
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, October 27, 2023

AB'S -- Stay in the Night


I was just posting about Fujimal Yoshino's(芳野藤丸)50th anniversary in the music business with his "50/50 Fifty-Fifty" this past weekend, and now I'm additionally happy to hear about an earlier milestone. 

One of Yoshino's old bands, AB'S, with Makoto Matsushita(松下誠)and Yoshihiko Ando(安藤芳彦), brought out their 7th album, logically titled "AB'S-7", in September 2020. Listening to one of the tracks, "Stay in the Night", it sounds as if they had never left the 1980s. Written by Ando and composed by Yoshino, the song is an elegant form of City Pop as the video shows those sky-high evening shots above the metropolis. The vocals come across a bit more gruffly and gravelly but I think that adds more character although maybe the gang probably needed some Sucrets after recording.


  1. Today I learned there's an AB'S-7. And it slaps! Definitely better than AB'S-4 :P
    Thanks for posting!

    1. My pleasure, Luke. Hope you get your own copy.


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