
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Hiroyuki Namba -- Tropical Exposition


Just returned from a ramen lunch with a couple of friends earlier today. It was darn cold outside but one couldn't have a better day to down a bowl of delectable noodles, and today's bowl was tan tan men. I haven't had the spicy form of ramen in quite a few years so I was happy to partake in it.

As well, one couldn't have asked for a more meteorologically different song when considering my hometown than this one by singer and sci-fi author Hiroyuki Namba(難波弘之). "Tropical Exposition" is a track on his 1983 mini-album "Who Done It?" and as stated on Hip Tank Records, adjectives like "chillout" and "ambient" are listed for "Tropical Exposition". It's quite the heady and spacy musical experience with Namba echoing away over a reggae rhythm and snappy percussion. Enjoy that rum punch in the hammock while listening to this one in the 30+-degree temperatures Celsius.

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