
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Salon Music -- Spending Silent Night


My brother's family came over last night for dinner and we got into the discussion about the Holidays. So we started laying out the family together for Xmas and then New Year's. Of course, the Kohaku Utagassen showed up a little in the talks, but apparently Jme will be showing reruns of it over the first few days of 2025...if Jme can confirm this with us, that would be most appreciated.

A little over a month ago, I posted the first article for the New Wave duo Salon Music via their "Duet ni Muchuu"(デュエットに夢中)from 1983. But it was because of a Xmas song by them that had been featured on Scott's "Holly Jolly X'masu" podcast several weeks ago that I first got to know vocalist and bassist Jin Yoshida(吉田仁)and vocalist and keyboardist Hitomi Takenaka(竹中仁見). 

And yet, from what I could understand of the English lyrics (about hotly pining for that guy), I'm not sure whether "Spending Silent Night" could be considered to be a Xmas song outside of the seasonal inference that 66% of the title possesses. Still, with Takenaka's breathy voice and her keyboard work along with the Beatles-friendly strings, there's a lot to it that rings happily nostalgic with me. Originally, it was meant to be a commercial song for a type of Honda and it was placed as a track on Salon Music's 1983 debut album "My Girl Friday".

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