
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Muneyuki Sato -- Ai no Melody(愛のメロディー) ~ Once More Smile


Up to this point on the blog, singer and actor Muneyuki Sato(さとう宗幸)has been known for basically one song to the general listening audience and that is his 1978 debut single "Aoba-jo Koi Uta"(青葉城恋唄). It is a wonderful folksy tune to be sure, but the man has had many other singles and albums released over the decades, so perhaps we can look at another song of his.

For example, there is also his 1983 single "Ai no Melody ~ Once More Smile" (Melody of Love). I'm not sure whether it was used in any promotion or commercial but I think it would have made for a nice campaign for slowing down from the rat race and smelling the flowers once in a while. It's got a pleasantly jaunty pop beat and of course, there are those splendid Sato vocals which can warmly melt butter. I also have to give props to the chorus backing him up. Sonomi Ari and Yutaka Tanaka(ありそのみ・田中裕)took care of the lyrics while the composer was Masayuki Chiyo(千代正行).

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