
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Megumi Hirota -- Just My Love


Megumi Hirota(広田恵)is one of those singers whose online presence in terms of basic information is incredibly small. At this point, I just have one album, "Gray", from 1991 represented via the track "Senaka Awase no CRESCENT"(背中あわせのCRESCENT).

Although that particular song was one that I categorized as a pop tune, I think another track, "Just My Love", has enough urban pizzazz in it that I can treat it as a City Pop song of the times. Written by Ayuko Ishikawa(石川あゆ子)and composed by Hideya Nakazaki(中崎英也), it's got some blippy Latin percussion (to add to those synth-horns) in there as well so I did get some of those Matt Bianco vibes.

From what I could find on the Oricon website, Hirota had at least two albums including "Gray" and three singles with "Gray" being the last release.


  1. The following is all I could find with a quick google search:
    Megumi Hirota (広田 恵) is a Japanese singer who debuted in 1987 after participating in the audition program "All Japan Young Selection: You Are the Star!" She is known for her exceptional vocal abilities. She has released two albums:
    (1) Himitsu ni Dekinai (秘密にできない), released in 1990.
    (2) Gray released in 1991.


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