
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Kaori Tsuchiya -- Heart Break Street(失恋散歩道)/Coconut Waffle wo Katate ni(ココナッツ・ワッフルを片手に)


I gotta say that the A and B sides for Kaori Tsuchiya's(つちやかおり)3rd single are pretty lush in arrangement on the aidoru side of things. But when both songs have been composed by folk-rock singer Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi(長渕剛), I gather that the final results will be a bit more different and refined.

This video by uploader Homeless Records has both "Heart Break Street" and "Coconut Waffle no Katate ni" (A Coconut Waffle in One Hand). Released in December 1982, just from what I've seen on other sites, I'm guessing that the official title for the single was always meant to be the English wording although the kanji reads "Shitsuren Sanpomichi" which means the same thing. In any case, along with Nagabuchi's contribution, Yasushi Akimoto(秋元康)was the lyricist and Masaaki Omura(大村雅朗)arranged everything. 

"Heart Break Street" has one of the most attractive intros that I've ever heard in an 80s aidoru tune and the jaunty rhythm does make me think that, yeah, this is something that Nagabuchi would provide in his own songs. As the title hints, this isn't the happiest song on romance at all as a woman tearfully wishes that she could return to more blissful and less lonelier days. At 3:05 is "Coconut Waffle no Katate ni", which was handled by all three songwriters from Side A, and it's an adorable slow ballad about pining for that guy in school. Again, I also like how this song sounds with that hint of AOR and the wailing electric guitar midway, and at points, I wonder whether Seiko Matsuda(松田聖子)could have been offered this song beforehand. To be honest, though, I don't think that I have ever heard of a coconut waffle.

Well, thank you, YouTube!

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