
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Masayoshi Takanaka -- Tokyo Reggie(トーキョー レギー)


I've put this photo up a few times already as the thumbnail, but just to let folks know once more, this is the old Akasaka Prince Hotel. It had served its time proudly for many years but several years ago, it was finally demolished.

Time to put in another Masayoshi Takanaka(高中正義)track "Tokyo Reggie" from his debut album "Seychelles" released in July 1976.

With Yukihiro Takahashi's(高橋ユキヒロ)lyrics, Takanaka, perhaps with the assistance of singer Tan Tan and Yosui Inoue(井上陽水)as backup chorus, has provided "Tokyo Reggie" with the inviting ticket for some happy Resort Pop in a summery environment. In fact, on repeated listenings, there is something quite Tin Pan Alley but with a faster disco beat. Along with Takanaka's guitar, "Seychelles" is also given some more oomph from Tsugutoshi Goto's(後藤次利)bass, Motoya Hamaguchi's(浜口茂外也)percussion and Jake H. Concepcion's sax, although Concepcion doesn't seem to be around for "Tokyo Reggie".


  1. It was originally meant to be "Reggie", nothing to do with "reggae" (which is レゲエ)

    1. Point taken. I've changed the spelling above. Thanks!


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