
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Juicy Fruits -- Renai no Tactics(恋愛タクティクス)


I like my bananas but when I was living in Japan and had a blender, I loved to make those banana smoothies. And man, they were surprisingly filling. 

Now, bananas aren't exactly juicy fruits so my segue isn't too smooth, but I did want to talk about another Juicy Fruits(ジューシィ・フルーツ)song. The song is perfectly fine but I have to admit that what finally got me to post this here is that I don't think that I've ever encountered a kayo kyoku that actually has the word "tactics" in the title. And here it is in "Renai no Tactics" (Love Tactics) in katakana. I kinda wonder whether fans had all sorts of question marks swirling around their heads when they first saw the title.

A track from their July 1980 debut album "Drink!", sharing space with "Jenny wa Gokigen Naname"(ジェニーはご機嫌ななめ)and "Koi wa Bench Seat"(恋はベンチシート), "Renai no Tactics" is a pretty adorable pop/rock n' roll song with vocalist and guitarist Atsuko Okuno(奥野敦子)taking the first and third parts while the middle verse is handled possibly by composer and guitarist Toshihiko Shibaya(柴矢俊彦). Haruo Chikada(近田春夫)wrote the lyrics for this song which is much more dedicated in its tribute decade of the 1950s or 1960s when compared to the injection of New Wave in their most famous tune of "Jenny wa Gokigen Naname".

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