
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu -- Kimi ni 100 Percent(キミに100パーセント)


Considering all of the recent obituary-style articles that I've been posting over the last several weeks here on KKP for singers and songwriters that have suddenly passed away, it's always nice when I can write on a happy event for those people. On my Twitter feed earlier today, I saw a photo of singer and pop culture icon Kyary Pamyu Pamyu(きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ)all gussied up in a wedding dress alongside a handsome young man, and I had initially pegged it to be some kind of promotion. Well, goofy me...I soon realized that KPP did indeed get married back several months earlier in the spring to actor Shono Hayama(葉山奨之)but apparently the wedding party was only held yesterday on November 27th. There's a link to her Instagram account with the happy couple. My congratulations to the Hayamas and their families.

Well, I was trying to see if I could find something appropriate by her to post in commemoration of this blessed event. At first, I wondered whether I could reach for "Family Party"(ファミリーパーティー)but I'd already written on that several years ago. But then, I found this earlier single titled "Kimi ni 100 Percent".

Written and composed by Yasutaka Nakata(中田ヤスタカ)as Kyary's 4th single from January 2013, as with "Family Party", "Kimi ni 100 Percent" (100 Percent for You) has a connection with the anime "Crayon-shin"(クレヨンしんちゃん)as a theme song. Appropriately and happily kiddie in tone, it's still about a youngling trying to express those budding feelings of amity or even love for a buddy...most likely the former but I think it can still apply to the now-married Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

"Kimi ni 100 Percent" was part of a double A-side CD single alongside the song "Furisodation"(ふりそでーしょん). It hit No. 3 on Oricon and went Gold. Incidentally, I can only wonder what a wedding reception for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu would be like. Ah, also let's not mistake the title for a similarly-titled song, "Kimi wa 1000%"(君は1000%).

1 comment:

  1. Well, then a very Happy but belated congratulations to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!


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