
I would like to give credit where credit is due. Videos are from YouTube and other sources such as NicoNico while Oricon rankings and other information are translated from the Japanese Wikipedia unless noted.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Kome Kome Club -- WHO?


I gotta say that if there were such a thing as a 60th anniversary special for a cadre of Japanese Doctor Who, then the cover for Kome Kome Club's(米米CLUB)2nd digital single would be perfect. 

Carl Smoky Ishii(カールスモーキー石井)and the gang are no longer active on the concert scene anymore as far as I know (their website states their latest event as having happened in 2021) which is a pity because they gave some epic performances. But this digital single "WHO?" which came out in December 2021 can help make up for this to a certain degree. It's got the old K2C brassy and funky pizzazz (thanks to Big Horns Bee) and Ishii's over-the-top delivery. I'm not sure if we'll ever seen a live performance of this song which could front a J-Drama about a local superhero, but just listening to this on the stereo is happy enough for the fans.


  1. Long-time lurker of the blog, real big fan, love this entry from Kome Kome Club!

    The other day, I was watching America's Got Talent: Fantasy Edition and Travis Japan was on there(they were on the show two years ago). They didn't make it past the second round but they did perform their debut single "Just Dance," which I liked. That got me to check out their debut album and I noticed that one of the songs, "Till The Dawn" had a very city pop feel to me. You're more of an expert of it than me but I figure I would suggest that song to you to check out for a future blog. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks very much and I hope you keep on reading. Man, it looks like a few Japanese groups are hitting AGT these days. I'll have to see if "Till the Dawn" is up there on YouTube.

  2. I have never gotten a chance to watch a full episode of 'Doctor Who', but I do like this song!

    1. I'll be honest...the long-running show is an acquired taste. I have friends who absolutely despise it but in my case, I guess that I can accept a lot of British whimsy.


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